GCS Store + Purchase Bib + Event Season Passes

GCS Event Pass Snowboard Everything - For Grand Canyon Series Athletes Only


Athletes, Coaches, & Parents

This will be for all snowboard events, and is approximately a 30% discount. If you purchase this, do not register for the event on the USASA.org Website until after you receive discount codes from Scott. Typically you should get these within 48 hours of purchasing.
If you are unable to compete based on the cost of this fee, please e-mail scott.sawyer@usasa.org for an event scholarship. Scholarships can be had for Grand Canyon Series Athletes only.
Reminder this does not count the USASA Membership Fees which can be purchased and registered for at usasa.org. If you are going to be 18 or are over 18 this season, you will have to also get a US Ski and Snowboard Ski or Snowboard volunteer membership which will include a background check, avalanche training and a mandatory completion of Safe Sport training.

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