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This is donating to the USASA Grand Canyon Series. Transaction fees are almost 4%.
Suggested donation to compete, $50 for each event, with approximately $250 for a season per athlete. If you can help us offset our $15k in annual expenses, we would appreciate the support.
This will be for all freestyle events and is approximately a 30% discount. This is for skiers or snowboarders who to do all of the freestyle events (Rail Jam and Slopestyle). If you purchase this, do not register for the event on the Website until after you receive discount codes from Scott. Typically you should get these within 48 hours of purchasing.
If you are unable to compete based on the cost of this fee, please e-mail for an event scholarship. Scholarships can be had for Grand Canyon Series Athletes only.
Reminder this does not count the USASA Membership Fees which can be purchased and registered for at If you are going to be 18 or are over 18 this season, you will have to also get a US Ski and Snowboard Ski or Snowboard volunteer membership which will include a background check, avalanche training and a mandatory completion of Safe Sport training.
This will be for the Giant Slalom and Slalom Races, and is approximately a 30% discount. If you purchase this, do not register for the event on the Website until after you receive discount codes from Scott. Typically you should get these within 48 hours of purchasing.
If you are unable to compete based on the cost of this fee, please e-mail for an event scholarship. Scholarships can be had for Grand Canyon Series Athletes only.
Reminder this does not count the USASA Membership Fees which can be purchased and registered for at If you are going to be 18 or are over 18 this season, you will have to also get a US Ski and Snowboard Ski or Snowboard volunteer membership which will include a background check, avalanche training and a mandatory completion of Safe Sport training.
This will be for all snowboard events, and is approximately a 30% discount. If you purchase this, do not register for the event on the Website until after you receive discount codes from Scott. Typically you should get these within 48 hours of purchasing.
If you are unable to compete based on the cost of this fee, please e-mail for an event scholarship. Scholarships can be had for Grand Canyon Series Athletes only.
Reminder this does not count the USASA Membership Fees which can be purchased and registered for at If you are going to be 18 or are over 18 this season, you will have to also get a US Ski and Snowboard Ski or Snowboard volunteer membership which will include a background check, avalanche training and a mandatory completion of Safe Sport training.